Link to further information about the EM100.
I've discovered a few interestng energy facts since I got the EM100.
- The heat recovery ventilation system (air exchanger) draws more power in low speed mode than in high speed mode.
- The home theatre system requires about 0.75A just sitting there, turned off. This is almost certainly a function of the satellite TV receivers that are actually on when they pretend to be off. That adds up to about $90 year. In winter that wasted power would contribute heat so it isn't all really wasted.
- The Sony 53" CRT-based RPTV requires only a bit over 1A (not much). That's pretty good for what it does.
- The device confirms the obvious - duty cycle matters. Appliances that are mostly off (really off) don't amount to much. For example, the septic tank pump draws about 11 amps peak, but it only adds up to about $4 of electricity per year.
The EM100 is an interesting gadget and I recommend it.