
Cost of Amateur Radio equipment

FYI - in case you're wondering how much it costs to be a Ham:

One well-used Yaesu FT-77 HF Amateur Radio transceiver (circa mid-1980s). It required a replacement microphone, a repaired power cable, a major cleaning (many hours) and a fresh coat of 'hammer tone' paint on the cabinet. Cdn $125. Great deal!

One Icom HM-35 microphone and some mic connectors. Probably Cdn$10.

One well-used Mosley TA-33 Jr tri-band (20m, 15m, 10m) HF antenna. Cdn $150. Probably a little bit over-priced considering its condition (one element slightly bent). I also had to purchase some conductive anti-corrosion paste for the joints.

Several 12-volt sealed lead acid batteries (used with trickle charger). Free, surplus from UPS service.

Some lengths of RG-8 and RG-213 coaxial cables and mating connectors. Probably about Cdn$50 for what's being used right now.

So for just over Cdn$300, I'm back on the HF bands again.