
Avro Arrow - Black Friday (Feb. 20, 1959) - 50 years later

We're less than a week from the 50th anniversary of Black Friday (when the Avro Arrow was canceled).

My paternal grandmother was Edith K. Shaw, author of 'There Never was an Arrow'.

Her 2nd husband and my grand(step)father, George Shaw, who also worked at Avro, wrote an article on the subject: The Legend of the Arrow.


Commentary: Humber College - lame, very lame...

The ill-informed news outlets are all excited about...

"A set of Humber College students achieved the near impossible, contacting the International Space Station with the use of a home-made radio."


More-detailed information indicates that the radio was not home-made, but was an Icom-brand radio purchased from a local ham radio store. Similarly, the antenna system was off-the-shelf.

So, they, ah, hooked it all up correctly.

And even if the radio was home-made (but it apparently wasn't), this accomplishment would only be news-worthy if the students were 8-year-olds.

That their instructor feels that this is a 'first', and an accomplishment worth celebrating, indicates that the level of experience in radio history and knowledge of every-day Ham radio events (such as contacting the ISS) is sorely lacking.

Lame - very very lame.

I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by my views on this news item. I'd be very interested to hear if I've missed any details that make the accomplishment more news worthy than indicated by the information that I've seen. Did they do the entire project blind-folded?