
HARC Ham Radio Flea Market 2009

It was a few weeks ago.

It was back at the old Halifax Forum (the world's third ugliest building). The parking lot was totally full; so I had to park in Truro and walk back to Halifax (just a slight exaggeration).

Sold the DX-200 I bought less than a year earlier. Buy high ($35), repair ($5), sell low ($25). Picture below.

Also sold the old DX-160 with the cracked dial glass. That was the same radio I once had out at the family cottage near Bridgewater. One evening, we tuned in a ship-to-shore conversation in Tagalog language (Philippines). My wife found it amusing (because she understood the conversation...).

The only things there that tempted me (to purchase) were a couple of nice shortwave radios. Since I was there to sell, it wouldn't have made much sense to bring home one or two more.

It was nice to see everyone again.

Thanks to those that organized the flea market.