
UK Budget crisis hits close to home...

BBC World Service is being forced to cut "World of Music" effective March 2011.

Say it isn't so...

Where can I send-in my $5 to help keep it on the air?

A partial solution: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/worldmusic/



R.I.P. Benoît Mandelbrot, 1924-2010

Wired News: Benoît Mandelbrot, the father of fractal geometry and one of the most famous mathematicians of all time, has passed away about a month shy of his 86th birthday.

New All-in-one printer

I just bought a new Kodal ESP 7250 all-in-one printer scanner. It [was] on sale (Staples, and Amazon.ca) for about $130 and is amazing.

I've "connected" it using wi-fi (which was totally simple). It seems to have every feature under the sun. I can even take a picture using my iPhone and it'll print directly from the iPhone in about a minute.

Here's the unique selling proposition - a complete set of ink for the Kodak is about $28, as opposed to about $100+/- with my old Canon S900.

Corrected: The colour tank has five sections, the usual CYM, plus Photo Black, plus a clear coat (!).

It's almost a no-brainer if you're in the market for a new printer.


Portsmouth, UK (September 2010)

See also: 2010 Portsmouth, UK blog.

Spinnaker Tower, Portsmouth (UK), HMS Victory, Stonehenge, Salisbury Cathedral, and the Top Gear test track visitor welcome center (LOL).


ISS heard with TG-UV2 walkie-talkie

I walked out of work this evening, turned on the TG-UV2 and set it to scanning. Within a few seconds the ISS was coming through like gang-busters on 145.800 Hz. Full quieting. S7 to S9. Col. Doug Wheelock, NA1SS. Working the NE USA and several stations in VE1-land.

I'll have to look-up the correct up-link frequency and be more prepared for the remote chance of him hearing me (not likely).


Co-operative underwater hunting behaviour observed in Loons (Gaviidae)

19 August 2010

Synchronized diving (presumably co-operative underwater hunting behaviour) observed in Loons (Gaviidae)

At about local sunset, a solitary loon (the bird) was observed on Miller Lake (HRM, NS, Canada). It was passively resting on the surface and was not diving. This period of relative inactivity was observed for about 15 minutes.

Then additional loons began to arrive (by air, LOL) from the east and north-east, calling, circling around the small island, and skidding onto the lake quite near the first loon (landing direction approximately south-east). Within a few minutes, there were exactly six (6) loons clustered in a close group not more than 10m extent.

After a few minutes, the loons (all six) began to dive (presumably for food) together. All six loons were underwater at the same time, for a period of roughly a minute or so at a time. They would then reemerge essentially at the same time (within about ten seconds), and then they would all rest on the surface for a minute or so. The beginning of each dive was especially closely synchronized, with all six birds diving underwater within a period of not more than 5 seconds (from first bird going underwater to the sixth bird going underwater). It was obvious that they were diving together.

This synchronized diving (and I presume cooperative underwater hunting for fish) continued for at least four or five cycles that we observed.

After a period of approximately ten minutes, the birds were no longer visible. Presumably they resurfaced behind the island.


On Pikes Peak today for the "14er" Event

See also: 2010 Colorado blog

Drove to the summit for ham radio "14er" radio fun. From Pikes Peak, using 2m simplex, I worked the following stations:

K0YB * , Joyce (about 50 feet away)
KI0BJ, Rex
W9INE, Larry
W9BNO, Rich
AC0FQ, Scott
KD0GUY, Judy
KM5TY, Gary
KD0EGE, Chris

de "VE1BLL mobile K0" Jeff

(* now K0JJW ?)


Yaesu FT-77, dipole, battery, ...

...and beer.

Battery kept charged with solar panel.

18:20 UTC, 14.240 MHz, station 9A9A, Emil in Croatia
18:26 UTC, 14.269 MHz, station W9A special event (regarding 'Swiss Day' celebrating the 1852 immigration), Wayne in Berne, Indiana, USA (weak signals both ways)
19:02 UTC, 14.278 MHz, station EA8AM, Luc on Canary Islands


Quansheng TG-UV2 ordered for US$92.91

Available from (Referral): Deal Extreme

Ideal for amateur radio use, dual-band (2m and 70 cm). Reasonable reviews.

See the TG-UV2 blog for tips.

Under $100 with free shipping - but perhaps plus tax at the border (YMMV).


Radio Australia 17795 kHz heard at Miller Lake

I just received Radio Australia coming in on 17,795 kHz.

I was sitting next to the lake, watching the kids, and using my trusty old eton S350DL.

The following picture is of my radio in use on Siquijor Island, Philippines in 2007.


A tower. Finally a tower.

A nice used 56-foot medium duty Delhi tower (DMXMD-56N 56-foot 17m).

My friendly neighbour helped me get it home.

I'll be able to retire my tree. Once I can afford the materials to install the darn thing.


Married at Lake Placid

My cousin Rob, and Stacy. 4 June 2010.

Lake Placid, NY

Waterfall on the grounds

Whiteface Club and Resort on the shores of Lake Placid

The Algonquin, St. Andrews by the Sea, NB


2m simplex from Whiteface Mt, NY

5 June 2010, starting approx. 16:10 Eastern Time

I brought my 2m rig (Radio Shack HTX-252) to the parking lot near the summit of Whiteface Mountain, not far from Lake Placid, NY. Because the parking spot isn't directly at the summit, it's only a clear path towards the north side (south blocked by solid rock). Montreal is clear line-of-sight.

My location was: 44° 22' 01" N, 73° 54' 19" W

The height at that location is about 4600-feet.

On 146.52 MHz FM simplex (direct), I made contact with three amateurs in and around Montreal. The longest path was roughly 200 km.

VA2GIZ, Alain
VE2FET, Sylvain
VE2JM, Jean


HARC Ham Radio Flea Market 2010


Lots of old friends.

Good bargains on a couple of V/UHF scanners (one shown below).


Thanks very much to everyone that organized it.

East River and Sheet Harbour, NS

Road trip to Sheet Harbour on Friday 7 May 2010.

Venus chasing the Moon over Miller lake

I took these pictures on Saturday evening, 15 May 2010. Canon G10.


The end of an era...

Charlie Gillett has died.

His BBC World Service radio show called "Charlie Gillett's World Of Music" was one of my favorites. The music from around the globe that he chose to play was always both strange and wonderful at the same time.

Update - the show lives on with Mark Coles hosting.


Internet SDR plus FLDIGIG

I used the Internet Software Defined Radio (SDR) at http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/

...and arranged the audio to be looped around to FLDIGI software,

and it works!

HB9DDZ - I see you!