
Yaesu FT-77, dipole, battery, ...

...and beer.

Battery kept charged with solar panel.

18:20 UTC, 14.240 MHz, station 9A9A, Emil in Croatia
18:26 UTC, 14.269 MHz, station W9A special event (regarding 'Swiss Day' celebrating the 1852 immigration), Wayne in Berne, Indiana, USA (weak signals both ways)
19:02 UTC, 14.278 MHz, station EA8AM, Luc on Canary Islands


Quansheng TG-UV2 ordered for US$92.91

Available from (Referral): Deal Extreme

Ideal for amateur radio use, dual-band (2m and 70 cm). Reasonable reviews.

See the TG-UV2 blog for tips.

Under $100 with free shipping - but perhaps plus tax at the border (YMMV).


Radio Australia 17795 kHz heard at Miller Lake

I just received Radio Australia coming in on 17,795 kHz.

I was sitting next to the lake, watching the kids, and using my trusty old eton S350DL.

The following picture is of my radio in use on Siquijor Island, Philippines in 2007.